Professional Garment Care
Professional Garment Care
All Ironing Stations
What sort of water should I use in my boiler? While any water can be used, using cleaner water will extend the lifetime of your boiler. For this reason we recommend using distilled water. If hard...
9500BU FAQ
How do I empty the water out of the 9500BU? While the boiler is pressurized, turn it off and open the blowdown valve located on the side of your 9500BU near the bottom. This will simultaneously e...
7600VB FAQ
Why do I see droplets of water dripping from the board? The vacuum must be used at all times when pressing and the temperature must be turned high enough to evaporate the steam.
7200VB FAQ
Why do I see droplets of water dripping from the board? The vacuum must be used at all times when pressing and the temperature must be turned high enough to evaporate the steam. Why is my unit no...
6600VB FAQ
Why do I see droplets of water dripping from the board? The vacuum must be used at all times when pressing and the temperature must be turned high enough to evaporate the steam. Why is my unit no...
6200VB FAQ
Why do I see droplets of water dripping from the board? The vacuum must be used at all times when pressing and the temperature must be turned high enough to evaporate the steam. Why is my unit no...
6000VB FAQ
Why do I see droplets of water dripping from the board? The vacuum must be used at all times when pressing and the temperature must be turned high enough to evaporate the steam. Why is my unit no...
2300IR FAQ
Why am I getting excess water when I'm ironing? Solution 1: if the temp is set too low on the iron you will get excess waterSolution 2: thermal safety inside iron has kicked out this could be from ...
2250IR X-Long Hose 220V
Why am I getting excess water when I'm ironing? Solution 1: if the temp is set too low on the iron you will get excess waterSolution2: thermal safety inside iron has kicked out this could be from a...
2200IR 220V FAQ
Why am I getting excess water when I'm ironing? Solution 1: if the temp is set too low on the iron you will get excess waterSolution2: thermal safety inside iron has kicked out this could be from a...
2150IR X-Long Hose
Why am I getting excess water when I'm ironing? Solution 1: if the temp is set too low on the iron you will get excess waterSolution2: thermal safety inside iron has kicked out this could be from a...
2100IR FAQ
Why am I getting excess water when I'm ironing? Solution 1: if the temp is set too low on the iron you will get excess waterSolution2: thermal safety inside iron has kicked out this could be from a...
2000IR FAQ
Why am I getting excess water when I'm ironing? Solution 1: if the temp is set too low on the iron you will get excess waterSolution2: thermal safety inside iron has kicked out this could be from a...
9500BU Automatic Two Solenoid Boiler 220v
How to install the direct feed?Please reference instruction manual page 5, titled "connection to water pipe and starting. How to increase or decrease the steam? Steam is adjusted by a small black k...
9000IS FAQ
How do I empty the water out of the 9000IS? First, turn off your boiler and steam and wait until it has cooled. Then, attach the drain hose, remove the plug, and proceed to open the drain valve in...
8000IS X-Long Hose FAQ
How to install the direct feed? The direct feed goes in the very bottom brass fitting on the left side of the unit (the middle valve directly above it must be closed at all times when using direct ...
8000IS FAQ
How do I empty the water out of the 8000IS? First, turn off the boiler and allow it to cool. Open the blowdown valve located on the side of your 8000IS near the bottom. This will simultaneously e...
7000IS Iron Station FAQ
This boiler is advertised to allow continuous steam for up to 8 hours, but I am getting less than this. How can I get up to 8 hours of continuous steam? It is likely that your steam valve is full...
6000IS Iron Station FAQ
This boiler is advertised to allow continuous steam for up to 6 hours, but I am getting less than this. How can I get up to 6 hours of continuous steam? It is likely that your steam valve is full...
5000IS FAQ
This boiler is advertised to allow continuous steam for up to 4 hours, but I am getting less than this. How can I get up to 4 hours of continuous steam? It is likely that your steam valve is full...
This boiler is advertised to allow continuous steam for up to 4 hours, but I am getting less than this. How can I get up to 4 hours of continuous steam? It is likely that your steam valve is full...
How do I empty the water out of the 3000IS? Turn the boiler off and unplug it. Wait for it to cool sufficiently, then remove the pressure safety cap and tip the unit upside down to drain it. How ...