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Velocity 180IR Steam Iron FAQ
Why doesn’t my iron get hot enough? The 180IR has a status light to indicate the iron is heating up, while a green light indicates it is ready to use. It is possible for the soleplate to cool off ...
350LB The Longboard FAQ
What is a Conex® heat resistant zone? Your new 100% safe iron rest, which allows you to place your iron on the board with no worries. This safe zone is heat resistant up to 700°F and is flame reta...
Velocity 270IR Steam Iron FAQ
Why doesn’t my iron get hot enough? The Velocity 270IR has 8 temperature settings Anti Shine (110C) ECO (120C) Silk (130C) Auto (140C) Cotton (150C) Jeans (160C) Linen (170C) Turbo (190C) To e...
Velocity 240IR Steam Iron FAQ
Why doesn’t my iron get hot enough? The Velocity 240IR has two temperature settings. Auto Setting - safe temperature for all fabrics. Turbo – Maximum temperature and steam. To ensure the iron i...
Maven Iron Station Is not Steaming
During first time use, it may take 10-30 seconds for steam to start. This may take longer if cartridge is not completely soaked. Your unit may make “chugging” noises upon initial use. This is norm...
Maven 140IS Iron Station FAQ
Why is my Maven not producing steam? The Maven 140IS has a filter to help prolong the life of your iron station. Before first use, please follow the instructions to soak your filter included in yo...
Maven 125IS Iron Station FAQ
Why is my Maven not producing steam? The Maven 125IS has a filter to help prolong the life of your iron station. Before first use, please follow the instructions to soak your filter included in yo...
Aria 350SP Steam Press FAQ
How long does the Arira take to heat up? Allow 5-8 minutes for it to reach the required temperature. A light will indicate when the steam is ready (you can use it sooner without steam if you wish)...
Vivio Garment Steamers FAQ
How hot is the steam being emitted from my Reliable Steamer? The steam temperature at the head on our VIVO steamers is 208° F / 98° C with the PVC Plastic Head. 212ºF/100ºC with the Metal Head. C...
Verve 100SR FAQ
What do the two buttons on the bottom right side of the control panel do? The very bottom button on the right side of the control panel is for if you want continuous steam, whereas the button just ...
Aria 100SP FAQ
Why is my steamer making a beeping noise and not heating up when I first turn it on? This is because the upper plate is not opened enough.
Vivio 550GC FAQ
Why isn't my steamer giving steam? If you've had the unit for a while and have been using tap water, the unit may be clogged inside. Please refer to your instruction manual on how to clean your uni...
Vivio 500GC FAQ
Why isn't my steamer giving steam? The unit may be clogged inside. Please refer to your instruction manual on how to clean your unit. Why is water droplets coming out of the hose when i'm using i...
Vivio 150GC FAQ
Why isn't my steamer giving steam? The unit may be clogged inside. Please refer to your instruction manual on how to clean your unit. Why is water droplets coming out of the hose when i'm using i...
Vivio 100GC FAQ
Why isn't my steamer giving steam? The unit may be clogged inside. Please refer to your instruction manual on how to clean your unit. Why is water droplets coming out of the hose when i'm using i...
Dash 100GH FAQ
How do you fill tank with water. Remove the tank, pull up the white rubber tab and fill with the supplied filler cup. Recommendations Drain the water from the unit when finished using.
The Board 550VB FAQ
Why do I see droplets of water dripping from the board? The vacuum must be used at all times when pressing and the temperature must be turned high enough to evaporate the steam.
The Board 500VB FAQ
Why do I see droplets of water dripping from the board? The vacuum must be used at all times when pressing and the temperature must be turned high enough to evaporate the steam.
Senza 200DS FAQ
Getting too much water? Turn temperature control up on the iron, if this does not solve the problem contact us. Not getting enough steam ? Make sure steam adjustment knob is turned to plus sign t...
Maven 100IS FAQ
Can I use distilled water or when do I have to use distilled water? If you have a very hard water (lots of minerals) you must use half distilled and half hard; However, you can use distilled all th...
Velocity 200IR FAQ
Why does the light flash but steam won't come out? When you are setting the iron temperature make sure your hand is not on handle activating the sensor. Why did I blow a fuse/pop breaker when usi...