Home Steam Cleaning
Home Steam Cleaning
Brio Plus 400CC Steam Cleaner
Can I use distilled water? You cannot use 100% distilled water because the Brio requires some water particulates to be present for its sensors to work properly. The Brio 400CC is designed to work ...
Brio 220CC Steam Cleaner FAQ
Can I use distilled water? You cannot use 100% distilled water. The Brio 220CC is designed to work with regular tap water. Why is my boiler not releasing any steam? If your boiler is not releasi...
Depressurizing and Refilling the Brio 220CC/225CC Steam Cleaner
In order to remove the safety filling cap, the steam cleaner must first be depressurized. Please follow the instructions below to understand how to refill the steam cleaner. Step 1: Ensure the ...
Steamboy 200CU and Steamboy Pro 300CU No Steam Troubleshooting
Why won’t my Steamboy Product Steam? This can be caused from a few issues. The water tank may not be in properly: Please make sure that the water tank is pushed in fully. If there is a gap, the ...
How hot is the steam being emitted from my Pronto 200CS? The steam temperature at the tip of the pronto 200CS is 215°F / 102°C Can my Pronto 200CS sanitize and disinfect surfaces? Steam is a tri...
How is this steam mop different from others? The Pronto 300CS is a 2-in-1 steam cleaning system. You can use it as both a handheld steam cleaner and a steam mop. The Pronto 300CS includes a wall m...
Steamboy 200CU FAQ
How hot is the steam being emitted from my Steamboy 200CU? The steam temperature emitted from the steam mop is 215°F / 102°C Can my Steamboy 200CU sanitize and disinfect surfaces? Steam is a tri...
Steamboy 300CU FAQ
How hot is the steam being emitted from my Steamboy Pro 300CU? The steam temperature emitted from the steam mop is 215°F / 102°C Can my Steamboy Pro 300CU sanitize and disinfect surfaces? Steam ...
Pronto 100CH FAQ
How do I fill my unit with water? When filling with water, tilt the unit slightly to one side while pressing the trigger on the unit.