Home Garment Care
Velocity 180IR Steam Iron FAQ
Why doesn’t my iron get hot enough? The 180IR has a status light to indicate the iron is heating up, while a green light indicates it is ready to use. It is possible for the soleplate to cool off ...
350LB The Longboard FAQ
What is a Conex® heat resistant zone? Your new 100% safe iron rest, which allows you to place your iron on the board with no worries. This safe zone is heat resistant up to 700°F and is flame reta...
Velocity 270IR Steam Iron FAQ
Why doesn’t my iron get hot enough? The Velocity 270IR has 8 temperature settings Anti Shine (110C) ECO (120C) Silk (130C) Auto (140C) Cotton (150C) Jeans (160C) Linen (170C) Turbo (190C) To e...
Velocity 240IR Steam Iron FAQ
Why doesn’t my iron get hot enough? The Velocity 240IR has two temperature settings. Auto Setting - safe temperature for all fabrics. Turbo – Maximum temperature and steam. To ensure the iron i...
Maven Iron Station Is not Steaming
During first time use, it may take 10-30 seconds for steam to start. This may take longer if cartridge is not completely soaked. Your unit may make “chugging” noises upon initial use. This is norm...
Maven 140IS Iron Station FAQ
Why is my Maven not producing steam? The Maven 140IS has a filter to help prolong the life of your iron station. Before first use, please follow the instructions to soak your filter included in yo...
Professional Garment Care
What are the differences between the 4100IS and the 5100IS? The 4100IS and 5100IS have a 2.2L boiler tank, a maximum pressure of 3.5 bar, and ECO mode. The differences are that the 5100IS has a...
All Ironing Stations
What sort of water should I use in my boiler? While any water can be used, using cleaner water will extend the lifetime of your boiler. For this reason we recommend using distilled water. If hard...
9500BU FAQ
How do I empty the water out of the 9500BU? While the boiler is pressurized, turn it off and open the blowdown valve located on the side of your 9500BU near the bottom. This will simultaneously e...
7600VB FAQ
Why do I see droplets of water dripping from the board? The vacuum must be used at all times when pressing and the temperature must be turned high enough to evaporate the steam.
7200VB FAQ
Why do I see droplets of water dripping from the board? The vacuum must be used at all times when pressing and the temperature must be turned high enough to evaporate the steam. Why is my unit no...
6600VB FAQ
Why do I see droplets of water dripping from the board? The vacuum must be used at all times when pressing and the temperature must be turned high enough to evaporate the steam. Why is my unit no...
Home Steam Cleaning
Brio Plus 400CC Steam Cleaner
Can I use distilled water? You cannot use 100% distilled water because the Brio requires some water particulates to be present for its sensors to work properly. The Brio 400CC is designed to work ...
Brio 220CC Steam Cleaner FAQ
Can I use distilled water? You cannot use 100% distilled water. The Brio 220CC is designed to work with regular tap water. Why is my boiler not releasing any steam? If your boiler is not releasi...
Depressurizing and Refilling the Brio 220CC/225CC Steam Cleaner
In order to remove the safety filling cap, the steam cleaner must first be depressurized. Please follow the instructions below to understand how to refill the steam cleaner. Step 1: Ensure the ...
Steamboy 200CU and Steamboy Pro 300CU No Steam Troubleshooting
Why won’t my Steamboy Product Steam? This can be caused from a few issues. The water tank may not be in properly: Please make sure that the water tank is pushed in fully. If there is a gap, the ...
How hot is the steam being emitted from my Pronto 200CS? The steam temperature at the tip of the pronto 200CS is 215°F / 102°C Can my Pronto 200CS sanitize and disinfect surfaces? Steam is a tri...
How is this steam mop different from others? The Pronto 300CS is a 2-in-1 steam cleaning system. You can use it as both a handheld steam cleaner and a steam mop. The Pronto 300CS includes a wall m...
Commercial Steam Cleaning
7000CD FAQ
This boiler is advertised to allow continuous steam for up to 8 hours, but I am getting less than this. How can I get up to 8 hours of continuous steam? It is likely that your steam valve is full...
Tandem Pro 2000CV FAQ
Can I use distilled water? You cannot use 100% distilled water. The Tandem Pro is designed to work with regular tap water. Why am I not getting any steam? Make sure the flow control on the front...
1000CC Brio Pro Cleaner FAQ
Can I use distilled water? You cannot use 100% distilled water. The Brio Pro 1000CC is designed to work with regular tap water. Why is my steam wet? Check that you are not on position 4 on th...
Steam Boilers
What are the differences between the 4100IS and the 5100IS? The 4100IS and 5100IS have a 2.2L boiler tank, a maximum pressure of 3.5 bar, and ECO mode. The differences are that the 5100IS has a pr...
This boiler is advertised to allow continuous steam for up to 4 hours, but I am getting less than this. How can I get up to 4 hours of continuous steam? It is likely that your steam valve is full...
This boiler is advertised to allow continuous steam for up to 4 hours, but I am getting less than this. How can I get up to 4 hours of continuous steam? It is likely that your steam valve is full...
This boiler is advertised to allow continuous steam for up to 4 hours, but I am getting less than this. How can I get up to 4 hours of continuous steam? It is likely that your steam valve is full...
What are the differences between the 4100CJ and the 5100CJ? The 4100CJ and 5100CJ both have a 2.2L boiler tank, a maximum pressure of 3.5 bar, and ECO mode. The differences are that the 5100IS has...
A leaking boiler might be a sign of a worn-out pressure cap which is an easy fix, or a sign of a larger issue. Before you do anything, please turn off and unplug your unit and wait for it to cool ...
SewQuiet 6050SM 12-Coil Servomotor FAQs
What is the SewQuiet 6050SM and what is it primarily used for? The SewQuiet 6050SM represents the fourth generation of Reliable’s energy saving servo motor innovation. The servo motor as compa...
4220SW Lockstitch Walking Foot With Foot Height Adjuster FAQ
What type of needles does the 4220SW take? 135x17 from size 16-23. What size bobbin does the 4220SW take? The large 1CON18034 is used for the 4220SW. Can I sew leather with the 4220SW? Yes, th...
SewQuiet 6000SM 12-Coil Servomotor FAQ
What is the SewQuiet 6000SM and what is it primarily used for? The SewQuiet 6000SM represents the fourth generation of Reliable’s energy saving servo motor innovation. The servo motor as com...
2610ZW FAQ
What type of needles does the 2610ZW take? 135x17 from size 16-23. What bobbin does the 2610ZW take? The large Type ‘M’ Bobbin. Reliable part #1CON18034 is used for the 2610ZW. Can I sew leathe...
5600TW FAQ
What type of needles does the 5600TW take? 135x17 from sizes 16 - 23. What size bobbin does the 5600TW take? The large 1JUKB9117563000 is used for the 5600TW. Can I sew leather with the 5600TW?...
8100DT Drapery Tacker with Direct Drive FAQ
What type of needles does the 8100DT take? MT x 190LR, from size 24. What weight of fabric can the 8100DT sew? The 8100DT is made for medium to heavy weight fabrics. What is the 8100DT primaril...
Task Lights
UberLight Flex 1100TL FAQ
What is the difference between the UberLights™ 1100TL, 3100TL, and 4100TL? The 1100TL is the table-mounted version of the UberLight Flex and must be hardwired for access to power. In contrast, the...
UberLight Flex 4100/4200TL FAQ
What is the difference between the UberLight™ 4100 and 4200TL? The 4100TL is white in colour while the 4200TL is black in colour. The two UberLights™ are however identical in terms of their specif...
3100TL/3200TL FAQ
What is the difference between the UberLight™ Flex 3100 and 3200TL? The 3100TL is white in colour while the 3200TL is black in colour. The two UberLights are however identical in terms of their sp...
Ergonomic Chair
SewErgo 100SE FAQ
What is the difference between glides and castors? The perfect sewing chair remains in place and does not roll around when the user is sewing. Therefore, by default our SewErgo Sewing Chairs come ...
SewErgo 200SE FAQ
What is the difference between glides and castors? The perfect sewing chair remains in place and does not roll around when the user is sewing. Therefore, by default our SewErgo Sewing Chairs come ...
SewErgo Chairs Do’s and Don’ts
DO'S AND DON'TS Data from the Consumer Product Safety Commissions Injury Information Clearinghouse indicates that people are sometimes hurt by falling from chairs. Usually resulting in bumps, bruis...
Refurbished Products FAQ
WHY REFURBISHED PRODUCTS? Like many other retailers, Reliable Corporation gets returns: perhaps someone tried the product and it wasn’t for them, or maybe the trip out was particularly rough d...